Frequently Asked Questions
What is a viewpoint?
A viewpoint is a tag that a user can apply to a comment that denotes their agreement, disagreement, or indecisiveness about a topic. A user can also opt to choose ‘Abstain’ to abstain from using a viewpoint if they wish. Note that viewpoints are only able to be selected from if the topic was created with the viewpoints option enabled, otherwise all comments will default to “Abstain” for that topic.
What is a category?
A category is an optional addition to comments that specify what the comment is discussing specifically regarding the topic. A user can select as many categories as they want from the provided list on the comment create page (including 0). When commenting on a topic you may only choose from the provided list of categories, you cannot create your own, categories are created by the topic author in the create topic page. Note that categories only display in the comment create page if the topic has the categories option enabled. Replies to a comment cannot choose a category, as they are assumed to be speaking on the same categories as the main comment.
Can I edit a topic or comment after creating it?
Yes, you can edit any comment or topic you have created, at any time, as many times as you want. Please note that for editing a topic, the option to use categories and use viewpoints is final after you create the topic, you cannot undo your choices for these features on that topic. You can also delete any topics or comments you have created at any time, but deletion is permanent (you will be asked to confirm your choice when attempting to delete).
What is the difference between Your Topics, Your Pinned Topics, Public Topics, and Invited Topics?
- Your Topics are the topics that you have created.
- Your Pinned Topics are the topics that you have pinned.
- Public Topics are the topics that anyone can see and comment on.
- Invited Topics are the topics that you have been invited to.
What does it mean for a topic to be private?
When the creator of a topic marks it as private, this means that only users invited to the topic can access and comment on it.
What does it mean for a topic to be anonymous?
When the creator of a topic marks it as anonymous, this means that usernames are not displayed on comments.
What is the difference between a subtopic and a topic?
A subtopic works identically to a topic, the only difference being that a subtopic does not have it's own subtopics.
Who can I contact for additional help, technical support, bug reporting, or ideas for Kaleedo?
You can contact Professor Aristides Dimitriou of Gettysburg College by email: